Mahjong Hex Connect game for Christmas. Connect two identical tiles with a path with no more than 2 changes of direction.
Triple 3D Mahjong. Match 3 of the same free cubes. Cubes are free if they have two free adjacent sides. You can rotate your view.
Play the ancient china mahjongg game. To remove all tiles you need to combine 2 of the same free tiles.
Play 5 different Mahjong games in 200 levels. Every level starts with an explanation how to remove all tiles.
Remove all the Maya Mahjong Blocks. Click on two of the same blocks to remove the blocks.
Mahjong Solitaire game with Shapes. Select different free tiles belonging to one shape. A tile is free if not covered and if it has at least 1 free side (left or right).
Connect 3 of the same tiles and remove all tiles. There must be a possible path between tiles to be able to connect.
The new version of the classic Mah Jong Connect II game. Connect two of the same tiles. The connecting path cannot have more than two 90 degree turns.